My 3 day weekend is finally over and I am SO happy!! It was a relatively stressful weekend, for me.
I have to start of by going back to Friday by talking about my printer not working. Very aggravating considering what I had coming up on Sunday...more about that. The stress is starting.
Saturday morning I went to Weight Watchers and found I had lost another 1.2 pounds. YEA! Good for me!
Then Kim came over and she spent over an hour trying to get my printer working and was on the phone with HP tech support for me. I couldn't thank her enough! As it turned out it wasn't the printer's problem but something in the computer...oh great! More stress.
How was I going to go to this show knowing my printer wasn't working and I had to print out all those recipes for this thing on Sunday! More stress! Frank was able to copy my files onto a floppy and got it to work on Tracy's computer downstairs so I got them printed later on in the evening. Phew! So, I was able to relax and enjoy myself at the show in the afternoon. (I really had no desire to go to this show but I agreed anyway.)
On Saturday, hubby and I went to a matinee to see Phantom of the Opera on stage. I don't know what all the excitement is about this show...I did not enjoy myself. First of all, the music was slow and the singing was operatic so I couldn't really understand what was being said. There really wasn't much spoken word so that kinda turned me off too. Plus, it was a "dark" show...dark scenery and story. I got bored. I closed my eyes. Sometimes when I closed my eyes, the actors were in the same or near the same position when I opened them again! Not much action at all.
The costumes
were beautiful, though. Small consolation. The second half was a bit better than the first half.
After the show we went to eat at Pita Delight - a little hole in the wall Greek restaurant off of Bardstown Road - really good! We will definitely go back.
Back home and printed all my recipes - yea!! - and got all my stuff together for Sunday - a little more stress.
Sunday morning I have to get up and bake 2 kugels (noodle puddings - a Jewish side dish with about as many variations as anything in the world). I am in charge of programming for my women's group at my synagogue - Women of Reform Judaism (WRJ). This program is to bring folks in for a monthly activity - Kugel Tasting and Sharing. As it turned out we had 13 different Kugels represented - wonderful, and maybe 25 people in attendance - not so wonderful. But, everyone said I did a great job on the afternoon program. Stress not over yet...
While I was out for the afternoon Frank took the computer to Circut City to see if they could figure out what was wrong. Well, it wasn't the drivers as the HP rep suggested it was. All 6 USB ports just died all at once. Fortunately, it wasn't their connection to the mother board. We really didn't want to buy a new computer right now. Didn't want to use Vista...very happy with XP.
Stress over! It may not sound like much to get stressed about but I have self induced stress as well as physical stress I have to deal with and not very well at times.
Monday morning I wake with a terrible headache and then go to pt at noon. Later Frank and I watch a movie. Then I make dinner and study with Tracy.
Weekend over. I didn't get any scrapping done at all but Frank is going out of town on Saturday to a family thing and then business for a few days so I'm sure I'll get some scrapping done then.