Right now I am sitting in my daughter's living room in Philly, on her lap top while she is napping on the couch with ice on her legs.
On Friday, Steph was riding her bike home and was crossing an intersection - with the light - and a big white old white caddy plowed into her as it was trying to turn. There were lots of witnesses and they saw the driver try to get away. Several people reported the accident and the cops caught the driver getting away. He then tried to deny that he was in any way involved in this accident.
On her way to the hospital she heard the EMS people talk about femur fractures but in the end,
nothing was broken and no major internal injuries!!! Her bike helmet is cracked in several places and they had to cut away all of her costly biking clothes and her bike...what's left of it...is being held by the police for evidence. All the cracks in her helmet could have been her head...bouncing on the pavement. I truly believe that her helmet saved her life or saved her from brain injury.
The moral to this story...WEAR A HELMET!!! They are the IN thing...all the cool people are wearing them!!
OK...off my soapbox for now. But I will try to get the word out any way I can and I am even encouraging my daughter to campaign for helmets on her campus!!
Thanks for bearing with me...this is very emotional.