When the bankruptcy trustee released all of our assets we knew we had to have the biggest yard sale ever! Well, we did that today. At one point, you couldn't fit any more people inside our 2 car garage. There were rows of tables making 4 walkways...and just tons of women! The sale was a huge success and I'd like to thank a few key people. Karen helped me get ready and came early this morning and spent the whole day working a yard sale that was not hers. AND she brought most of the tables. Tracy, who spent the past few weeks helping to sort, bag and price the merchandise from her scrapbook store. Barb, loaned us a great ladder and a collapse-able canopy to help us stay out of the sun (never got it set up...we couldn't figure it out). All of the friends and acquaintances who passed the word around and also came back for seconds and thirds.
It was exhausting. We're glad it's over. And, yes, there is still some merchandise left. All in all, it was a HUGE success!
Glad it was a success, Peggy!
Wooooooooooo! Sounds like it went great! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
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